Bianca Maria Dinelli










Il curriculum e’ organizzato nel modo seguente:




·        LAVORO





·        Rapporti Tecnico-Scientifici

·        Pubblicazioni su atti di congressi e scuole con editore e/o reviewer

·         Comunicazioni a congressi senza pubblicazione degli atti


Nel testo, fra parentesi quadre, si trovano i riferimenti:

ai documenti presentati, identificati con la lettera D,

alle pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali, identificati con la lettera P,

ai rapporti tecnico-scientifici, identificati con le lettere RT,

alle pubblicazioni sugli atti dei congressi, identificati con le lettere PC,

e alle comunicazioni a congressi, identificati con la lettera C.



Bianca Maria Dinelli




·        Nata a Lucca il  6 ottobre 1957

·        Coniugata con un figlio





·        8 Marzo 1982 - Laurea in Fisica all’Universita’ degli Studi di Pisa. Tesi sperimentale ‘Analisi di assorbimenti molecolari dentro la cavita’ di un laser a CO2’ Relatore Prof. Ennio Arimondo.

·        Aprile 1987: scuola NATO/ASI ‘Frontiers in Laser Spectroscopy’ a Torres Vedras - Portugal.

·        1998 – Conseguita l’idoneita’ a Primo Ricercatore





·        Maggio 1982 – Marzo 1984: Consulente scientifico dell’Unita’ di Ricerca CNR/GIFCO dell’Istituto di Fisica Superiore/ Spazio dell'Universita’ di Firenze. [D1]

·        1 Aprile 1984 – Settembre 2002 ricercatore all’Istituto di Spettroscopia Molecolare del C.N.R. a Bologna.

·        Ottobre 2002 – oggi ricercatore all’ISAC-CNR sede di Bologna.





1 - Incarichi di servizio

·        1984 – 1986 Rappresentante del personale al Consiglio Scientifico dell’ISM

·        1999 - 2002 Rappresentante per l’ISM al Consiglio Direttivo del Gruppo di Concertazione ‘Osservazioni della Terra’

·        1999 Membro della commissione giudicatrice per assegnazione di una borsa di studio presso l’ISAO

·        2000 Membro della commissione per l’assunzione di personale art. 23 per IROE

·        2000 – oggi Membro delle commissioni per l’attribuzione degli assegni di ricerca sui progetti da me coordinati


2 - Incarichi di revisione a progetti di ricerca e articoli


·        1998 – oggi Revisore dei progetti di ricerca per conto del Ministero dell’Universita’ della Ricerca Scientifica

·        2001 Revisore di progetti di ricerca per ASI

·        Revisore per le riviste ICARUS e International Journal of Remote Sensing


3 - Funzioni svolte


·        Nei periodi Ottobre 1985 – Febbraio 1987, Giugno 1987- Settembre 1987; Gennaio 1988 – Marzo 1988; Settembre 1988- Gennaio 1989: Research Associate con il gruppo di ricerca Coordinato dal Prof. Takeshi Oka al Dept. of Chemistry and Astrophysics of the University of Chicago, Chicago, U.S.A.

·        Ottobre 1990: Partecipazione alla campagna di misura dello strumento IBEX Fort Sumner, New Mexico, U.S.A.

·        Ottobre 1991 – Luglio 1994 Honorary Research Fellow al Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London U.K.

·        Agosto 1994 – Ottobre 1995. Post Doctoral Reasearch Assistant at Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, UCL, London U.K.

·        1995 – 1996 Responsabile del progetto di ricerca ‘Studio della magnetosfera e della ionosfera di Giove attraverso la spettroscopia infrarossa’ all’ISM-CNR Bologna

·        1996 – Responsabile  del progetto di ricerca ‘Calcolo delle superfici di potenziale di molecole triatomiche usando dati spettroscopici’

·        1996 – Responsabile progetto CINECA ‘Determinazione di superfici di potenziale di molecole triatomiche usando dati spettroscopici’

·        1996 – Borsa di studio del British Council al Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, UCL, London U.K

·        1997 – Responsabile del progetto di ricerca ‘Studio delle atmosfere planetarie (Terra e Giove) attraverso la spettroscopia Infrarossa’ all’ISM-CNR Bologna

·        1997 – Responsabile del Work Package ‘Assessment of Vertical Resolution of MIPAS Measurements’ del progetto ESA ‘Study of the Retrieval of Atmospheric Trace Gas Profiles from Infrared Spectra’ (Contract 12055/96/NL/CN)

·        1997 – 1998 - Responsabile del ‘Theoretical retrieval Study’ del Progetto ESA Piramhyd Retrieval Study’ (contract 11719/95/NL/CN)

·        1997 – oggi Membro del gruppo che ha sviluppato la versione scientifica del processore di livello 2 dello strumento MIPAS/ENVISAT progetto ESA ‘Development of an Optimized Algorithm for Routine p, T and VMR Retrieval from MIPAS Limb Emission Spectra”(Contract 11717/95/NL/CN)

·        1998 – 2002 Responsabile del progetto di ricerca ‘Studio della Stratosfera attraverso la spettroscopia Infrarossa’ all’ISM-CNR Bologna

·        1998 – responsabile dell’unita’ di ricerca ISM del progetto ASI ‘GASTRAN Studio e misure da satellite dei GAS in Traccia, degli Aerosol e delle Nubi mediante GOME, SCIAMACHY,MIPAS e da terra mediante lidar e  fotometri solari. Applicazione dei dati ai modelli chimici.’ coordinato dal Dr. Rodolfo Guzzi

·        Settembre – Ottobre 1999 partecipazione alla Campagna Antartica APE-GAIA (Ushuaia- Argentina)

·        1999 – oggi Responsabile dell’analisi delle misure dell’interferometro SAFIRE

·        1999 – Coordinatore del progetto ESA ‘Measurement of the stratospheric Volume Mixing Ratio altitude distributions of non-level 2 MIPAS molecular species and their exploitation in atmospheric models’

·        1999 – oggi Coordinatore del progetto ASI 'GASTRAN-2 Studio e misure da satellite dei gas atmosferici in traccia mediante MIPAS/ENVISAT - Applicazione dei dati a modelli chimici'

·        2000 – 2001 Responsabile dell’unita’ di ricerca ISM ‘Sviluppo di un sistema computerizzato per determinare la misurabilita’ di specie stratosferiche minori e fare l’analisi di routine degli spettri di MIPAS/ENVISAT’ del progetto CNR Agenzia 2000 ‘Sviluppo di tecniche computazionali per il monitoraggio della variabilità geografica e temporale di parametri caratterizzanti lo stato geofisico della stratosfera sfruttando le misure di MIPAS/ENVISAT’ coordinato dal Prof. Massimo Carlotti

·        2001 – oggi Membro del MIPAS/ENVISAT Expert Science Laboratory

·        2002 – oggi Responsabile dell’unita’ di ricerca ISM del progetto ASI  ‘Development of new algorithms for the analysis of satellite remote-sensing measurements finalized to the determination of pressure, temperature and concentration of  trace gases in the stratosphere and upper troposphere ‘coordinato dal Prof. Massimo Carlotti

·        2002 oggi Key-person nel progetto ESA ‘Support to MIPAS level 2 product Validation’ (contract 17580/03/I-OL)

·        2002 – oggi Membro del MIPAS/ENVISAT Quality Working Group

·        2002 – oggi Responsabile per lo sviluppo del codice di analisi delle misure fatte dallo strumento MARSCHALS (ESA study on ‘The scientific analysis of limb-sounding observations of the upper troposphere’ 

·        2002 – oggi Responsabile di una parte dello studio ESRIN ‘Development of Algorithms for the Exploitation of MIPAS Special Modes Measurement

·        2002 – oggi Responsabile del gruppo di ricerca ‘Remote Sensing of the Stratosphere’ afferente alla sezione tematica ‘Clima e sue variazioni’ dell’Istituto ISAC

·        2004 membro del gruppo di lavoro 2 del progetto COST-723 ‘Data Exploitation and Modelling for the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere’



4 - Supervisione al lavoro di borsisti, assegnisti e ricercatori a contratto


·        1997 – 2002 Supervisore per il lavoro di ricerca dei borsisti della Fondazione per la Meteorologia Applicata Andrew Emerson, Monia Di Marco, Emiliano Battistini, Didem Alpaslan

·        2000 – oggi Supervisore degli assegnisti di ricerca Didem Alpaslan, Elisa Castelli

·        2000 – Responsabile art. 23 Emiliano Battistini

·        2003 – oggi Responsabile art. 15 Luca Magnani










1 - Esperienze d’insegnamento


·        2000 – oggi   Responsabile di una esercitazione del corso di ‘Chimica Fisica II e Laboratorio’ alla Facolta’ di Chimica Industriale di Bologna.


2 - Tesi di Laurea


·        2002 Marcello Folegatti: Laurea in Chimica Industriale

Tesi ‘Caratterizzazione di un sistema di analisi per la determinazione simultanea dei profili di pressione, temperatura e concentrazione da misure satellitari’

Relatore Prof M. Carlotti

Correlatore B.M. Dinelli



3 - Tesi di dottorato


·        2001 – 2003 Didem Alpaslan : dottorato in fisica  alla Facolta’ di Fisica dell’Universita’ di Bologna

Tesi ‘MIPAS/ENVISAT: from the measurements to the vertical profiles of atmospheric trace gases’

Relatori B.M. Dinelli e  R. Rizzi’


·        2002 – oggi Elisa Castelli : dottorato in Fisica alla Facolta’ di Fisica dell’Universita’ di Bologna

Tesi ‘Sviluppo di algoritmi per ricavare i parametri fisici e chimici della stratosfera analizzando gli spettri registrati dagli strumenti MIPAS, SAFIRE e MARSCHALS’

      relatori B.M. Dinelli e R. Rizzi.


·        Supervisore delle tesi di dottorato in Chimica Industriale dei Dr. Luca Magnani (2000 - 2002), Gabriele Brizzi(2003 - oggi) e Enzo Papandrea (2004 - oggi)



4 – Seminari


·        1985 ‘Introduction to Radioastronomy’ Laboratori riuniti del CNR Bologna

·        1986 ‘ Optical bistability and passive Q-switching in the cavity of a CO2 laser’ Dept of Chemistry – The University of Chicago- Chicago USA

·        1986 ‘ Analysis of the H2O+ infrared spectrum Dept of Chemistry – The University of Chicago- Chicago USA

·        1986 ‘Spectroscopical retrieval of the concentrations of minor stratospheric components’ IPU-National Bureau of Standards – Boulder – Colorado USA

·        1986 ‘ Infrared spectroscopy of molecular ions (H2O+ and C2-) using a difference frequency spectrometer – Laboratori riuniti del CNR  Bologna

·        1987 ‘ Analysis of the NH2+ infrared spectrum’ Dept of Chemistry – The University of Chicago- Chicago USA

·        1987 ‘Uso dei programmi Kermit per collegamenti Netway e Bitnet’ Laboratori riuniti del CNR Bologna

·        1988 ‘Submillimeter measurement of stratospheric chlorine monoxide’ Dept of Chemistry – The University of Chicago- Chicago USA

·        1988 ‘Stratospheric distribution of OH and H2O from far infrared spectra’ Dept of Chemistry – The University of Chicago- Chicago USA

·        1988 ‘Chimica dell’alta atmosfera: studio mediante la spettroscopia ad alta risoluzione’ Universita’ di Venezia

·        1996 ‘Collisione della cometa Shoemaker-Levy 9 con Giove. Risultati delle osservazioni fatte con il telescopio UKIRT’ Area della ricerca di Bologna

·        1998 ‘Studio della composizione chimica della stratosfera usando la spettroscopia infrarossa’ istituto IMGA Bologna








P1.E. Arimondo and B.M. Dinelli  "Optical Bistability of a CO2 Laser with Intracavity Saturable Absorber: Experiment and Model", Opt. Comm. 44, 277, 1983.


P2.B. Carli, F. Mencaraglia, A. Bonetti, B.M. Dinelli, F. Forni  "Submillimeter Detection of Stratospheric OH and Further Line Assignements in the Stratospheric Emission Spectrum", Int. J. of IR and MM Waves 4, 475, 1983.


P3.E. Arimondo, B.M. Dinelli, and E. Menchi  " Precise Measurements of Bistability in a CO2 Laser with Intracavity Saturable Absorber",  "Optical Bistability 2" Ed. C.H. Bowden, H.M. Gilbs, S.L. Mc Call. Plenum Publishing Corporation (1984).


P4.B. Carli, F. Mencaraglia, B.M. Dinelli, S. Piccioli, and A. Valboni "Comparison of Measured and Calculated High Resolution Spectra of Far Infrared Stratospheric Emission" Nuovo Cimento 8C, 631, 1985.


P5.B.M. Dinelli, M.W. Crofton and T. Oka  "Infrared Spectroscopy of the n3 Band of H2O+" J. Mol. Spectrosc. 12 , 1-11, 1988.


P6.B.D. Rehfuss, D.-J. Liu, B.M. Dinelli, M.-F. Jagod, W.C. Ho, M.W. Crofton and T. Oka  "Infrared Spectroscopy of Carbo Ions IV : The A2Pu - X2Sg Electronic Transitions of C2- " J. Chem. Phys. 89, 129-137, 1988.


P7.B. Carli, F. Mencaraglia, M. Carlotti, B.M. Dinelli and I Nolt  "Submillimeter Measurement of Stratospheric Chlorine Monoxide" J. Geoph. Res. 93 7063-7068, 1988.


P8.M.G. Bawendi, B.D. Rehfuss, B.M. Dinelli, M. Okumura and T. Oka    " Observation and Analysis of the n3 Band of NH3+" J. Chem. Phys. 90, 5910-5917, 1989.


P9.M. Okumura, B.D. Rehfuss, B.M. Dinelli, M.G. Bawendi and T. Oka  "Difference Frequency Laser Spectroscopy of the n3 Fundamental Band of NH2+ " J. Chem. Phys. 90, 5918-5923, 1989.


P10.                    B. Carli, M. Carlotti, B.M. Dinelli, F. Mencaraglia and J.H. Park  "The Mixing Ratio of the Stratospheric Hydroxyl Radical from Far Infrared Emission Measurements" J. Geophys. Res. 94, 11049-11058, 1989.


P11.                    C.B. Farmer, B. Carli, A. Bonetti, M. Carlotti, B.M. Dinelli, H. Fast, W.F.J. Evans, N. Louisnard, C. Alamichel, W. Mankin, M. Coffey, I.G. Nolt, D.G. Murcray, A. Goldman, G.M. Stokes, D.W. Johnson, W.A. Traub, K.V. Chance, R. Zander, G. Roland, and L. Debouille " Balloon Intercomparison Campaigns: Results of Remote Sensing Measurements of HCl " J. Atmos. Chem. 10, 237-272, 1990.


P12.                    D.G. Murcray, A. Goldman,J. Koster, R. Zander, M. Evans, N. Louisnard, C. Alamichel, M. Bangham, S. Pollit, B. Carli, B.M. Dinelli, S. Piccioli, A. Valboni, W.A. Traub, K.V. Chance, " Intercomparison of Stratospheric Water Vapor Profiles Obtained During The Balloon Intercomparison Campaign" J. Atmos. Chem. 10, 159-179, 1990.


P13.                    B.M. Dinelli, B. Carli, M. Carlotti, " Measurement of Stratospheric Distributions of H216O, H218O, H217O, and HD16O, from Far Infrared Spectra" J. Geoph. Res. 96, 7509-7514, 1991.


P14.                    B.M. Dinelli, G. Corbelli, A.C. Fantoni, F. Scappini, G. Di Lonardo, and L. Fusina, " Hyperfine Structure Analysis of Stibine in the Ground and in the n4 = 1 States " J. Molec. Spectr. 153, 307-315, 1992.


P15.                    B.M. Dinelli, S. Miller and J. Tennyson  "Bands of H3+ up to 4n2: Rovibrational Transitions from First Principles Calculations" J. Molec. Spectr. 153, 718-725, 1992.


P16.                    T.R. Huet, C.J. Pursell, W.C. Ho, B.M. Dinelli and T. Oka  "Infrared Spectroscopy and Equilibrium Structure of H2O+ (X 2B1)" J. Chem. Phys 97, 5977-5987, 1992.


P17.                    L. Fusina, F. Scappini and B.M. Dinelli  "Hyperfine Structure Analysis of Arsine in the Ground, n2 = 1, and n4 = 1 States" J. Molec. Spectr. 157, 413-418, 1992.


P18.                    B.M. Dinelli, S. Miller and J. Tennyson, "A Spectroscopically Determined Potential Energy Surface for H3+ ", J. Molec. Spectr.,    163 , 71-79, 1994.


P19.                    B.M. Dinelli, C.R. Le Sueur, and J. Tennyson "Ab Initio Ro-vibrational levels of H3+ beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation", Chem. Phys. Let    232 , 295-300, 1995.


P20.                    J. Tennyson, B.M. Dinelli and O.L. Polyansky " On the determination of potential energy surfaces of spectroscopic accuracy", J. Mol. Struct. : Theochem    341, 133-140, 1995.


P21.                    O.L. Polyansky, B.M. Dinelli, C.R. Le Sueur, and J. Tennyson "Asymmetric adiabatic correction to the rotation-vibration levelsof H2D+  and D2H+ ",  J. Chem. Phys.  102, 9322, 1995.


P22.                    S. Miller, N. Achilleos, B.M. Dinelli, H.A. Lam, J. Tennyson, M.-F. Jagod, T.R. Geballe, L.M. Trafton, G.E. Ballester, K. Baines, T.Y. Brooke and G. Orton "The effect of the impact of Comet Shoemaker Levy-9 on Jupiter's Aurorae",  Geophys. Res. Let.,  22 , 1629-1632, 1995.


P23.                    B.M. Dinelli, O.L. Polyansky and J. Tennyson "Spectroscopically determined Born-Oppenheimer and adiabatic surfaces for H3+, H2D+ , D2H+ , and D3+ ",  J. Chem. Phys.   103 , 10433, 1995.


P24.                    M.G. Baldecchi, A. Barbis, A. Bonetti, B. Carli, M. Carlotti, B.M. Dinelli, F. Mencaraglia, M. Poggesi, E. Rossi and M. Trambusti "High-resolution far-infrared FT spectroscopy of the stratosphere"  Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei  s.9,   6 , 95-110, 1995.


P25.                    B.M. Dinelli, S. Miller, N. Achilleos, H.L. Lam, M. Cahill, J. Tennyson, M.-F. Jagod, T. Oka, J.-C. Hilico and T. R. Geballe "UKIRT observation of the impacts and consequences of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter"   Icarus ,   126 , 107-125, 1997.


P26.                    B.M. Dinelli, L. Neale, O.L. Polyansky, and J. Tennyson "New assignments for the infrared spectrum of H3+ " J. of Mol. Spectrosc.,   181 , 142-150, 1997.


P27.                    B.M. Dinelli, G. Lepri, M. Carlotti, B. Carli, F. Mencaraglia, M. Ridolfi, I.G. Nolt, P.A.R. Ade "Measurement of the isotopic ratio distribution of HD16O and H216O in the 20 - 38 km altitude range from far-infrared spectra"  Geophys. Res. Lett. ,   24 , 2003-2006, 1997.


P28.                    S. Miller, N. Achilleos, H.A. Lam, B.M. Dinelli, R. Prange' "The Impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on the Jovian Ionosphere and Aurorae"   Planet. Space Sci. ,   45 , 1237-1250, 1997


P29.                    M.Ridolfi, B. Carli, M. Carlotti, T. von Clarmann, B.M. Dinelli, A. Dudhia, J-M. Flaud, M. Hoepfner, P.E. Morris, P. Raspollini, G.Stiller and R.J. Wells " An Optimized Forward model and Retrieval Scheme for MIPAS Near Real Time Data Processing", Appl. Optics, 39, p. 1323-1340, (2000).


P30.                    M.Carlotti, B.M.Dinelli, P.Raspollini, M.Ridolfi, ‘Geo-fit approach to the analysis of satellite limb-scanning measurements’, Appl. Optics, 40, 1872-1885, (2001).


P31.                    B.Carli, P.Raspollini, M.Ridolfi, B.M.Dinelli, ‘Discrete representation and resampling in the case of limb-sounding measurements’, Appl. Optics,  40, No. 8, p. 1261-1268, (2001).


P32.                    S. Ceccherini, B. Carli, E. Pascale, M. Prosperi, P. Raspollini, and B.M. Dinelli ‘COMPARISON OF AN ATMOSPHERIC VERTICAL PROFILE MEASURED BY TWO DIFFERENT INSTRUMENTS’, Applied Optics, 42, p 6465-6473, (2003)


P33.                    B.M. Dinelli, D. Alpaslan, M. Carlotti, L. Magnani, and M. Ridolfi ‘Multi-Target Retrieval (MTR): The simultaneous retrieval of pressure, temperature and Volume Mixing Ratio profiles from limb-scanning atmospheric measurements’, J.Q.S.R.T.,  84, p. 141 (2004).


P34.                    B.Carli, D.Alpaslan, M.Carlotti, E.Castelli, S.Ceccherini, B.M.Dinelli, A.Dudhia, J.-M.Flaud, M.Hoepfner, V.Jay, L.Magnani, H.Oelhaf, V.Payne, C.Piccolo, M.Prosperi, P.Raspollini, M.Ridolfi J.Remedios, R.Spang, “First Results of MIPAS/ENVISAT with operational Level 2 code', Advances in Space Research, 33, p. 1012-1019 (2004)


P35.                    M. Ridolfi, L. Magnani, M. Carlotti, B. M. Dinelli ‘MIPAS-ENVISAT Measurements: A Trade-Off Study for the Improvement of Horizontal Resolution’ Accepted by Applied Optics (2004).




Rapporti Tecnico-Scientifici


RT1.       A. Dudhia and B.M. Dinelli "Optimization of the Atmospheric Vertical Grid" Rapporto Tecnico Scientifico del contratto ESA - Contract 12055/96/NL/CN - Work Package 322 - 323 (1997)

RT2.       B.M. Dinelli  "Assessment of Vertical Resolution" Rapporto Tecnico Scientifico del contratto ESA - Contract 12055/96/NL/CN - Work Package 310 (1997)

RT3.       BM Dinelli et al. "Piramhyd Retrieval Study: OH Profiling by Far-Infrared Limb Sounding - Technical Note 1 : Goals and Assumption" Rapporto Tecnico Scientifico del contratto ESA contract 11719/95/NL/CN - (1997)

RT4.       BM Dinelli et al "Piramhyd Retrieval Study: OH Profiling by Far-Infrared Limb Sounding -Technical Note 2: Retrieval Assessment plan" Rapporto Tecnico Scientifico del contratto ESA contract 11719/95/NL/CN - (1997)

RT5.       B.Carli, B.M.Dinelli, A.Dudhia, G.Echle, M.Ridolfi, P. Raspollini: Final Report of the “Study of the Retrieval of Atmospheric Trace Gas Profiles from Infrared Spectra”, Rapporto Tecnico Scientifico del contratto ESA Contract 12055/96/NL/CN (5 February 1998).

RT6.       M.Ridolfi, P.Raspollini, B.M.Dinelli, B.Carli, Technical Note on ‘High level description of the new functionalities to be implemented in MIPAS Level 2 processor’, Rapporto Tecnico Scientifico dello studio “Development of an Optimized Algorithm for Routine p, T and VMR Retrieval from MIPAS Limb Emission Spectra”, ESA Contract 11717/95/NL/CN, (15 February 1999).

RT7.       B. M. Dinelli, E. Battistini, M. Di Marco, P. Raspollini, M. Ridolfi, ‘Implementation of balloon geometry option and MIPAS-B data analysis’, Rapporto Tecnico Scientifico dello studio “Development of an Optimized Algorithm for Routine p, T and VMR Retrieval from MIPAS Limb Emission Spectra”, ESA Contract 11717/95/NL/CN, Issue 1 (February 2001).

RT8.       B.M. Dinelli, P.Raspollini, M. Ridolfi, B. Carli ‘Pre-flight modifications to the ORM_ABC code’, Nota tecnica dello studio ‘Development of an Optimized Algorithm for Routine p, T and VMR Retrieval from MIPAS Limb Emission Spectra”, Rapporto Tecnico Scientifico ESA Contract 11717/95/NL/CN, Issue 1 (April 2001)

RT9.       B. M. Dinelli, E. Battistini ‘MIPAS-B2 Flight 6 data analysis with Oxford MWs data base developed for balloon measurements’ Rapporto Tecnico Scientifico dello studio “Development of an Optimized Algorithm for Routine p, T and VMR Retrieval from MIPAS Limb Emission Spectra”, ESA Contract 11717/95/NL/CN, Issue 1 (March 2001).

RT10.  B. M. Dinelli, ‘MIPAS-B2 Flight 7 data analysis with Oxford MWs data base developed for balloon measurements’ Rapporto Tecnico Scientifico dello studio “Development of an Optimized Algorithm for Routine p, T and VMR Retrieval from MIPAS Limb Emission Spectra”, ESA Contract 11717/95/NL/CN, Issue 1 (June 2001).

RT11.  B. M. Dinelli, ‘MIPAS-B2 Flight 6 data analysis using Oxford MWs data base selected for satellite measurements delivered on February 2001’ Rapporto Tecnico Scientifico dello studio “Development of an Optimized Algorithm for Routine p, T and VMR Retrieval from MIPAS Limb Emission Spectra”, ESA Contract 11717/95/NL/CN, Issue 1 (June 2001).

RT12.  M.Ridolfi M.Carlotti and B.M.Dinelli, ‘Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document’, deliverable of the study “Development of Algorithms for the Exploitation of MIPAS Special Modes Measurement”, Rapporto Tecnico Scientifico ESA-ESRIN Contract No. 16700/02/I-LG, (February 2003).

RT13.  S. Ceccherini, B.M. Dinelli, V. Payne, C. Piccolo, M. Prosperi, P. Raspollini, M. Ridolfi, ‘ORM CAL VAL Analysis: 1st part: Summary Sheets’, Rapporto Tecnico Scientifico of ESA contract 11717/95/NL/CN, (April 2003).

RT14.  S. Ceccherini, B.M. Dinelli, V. Payne, C. Piccolo, M. Prosperi, P. Raspollini, M. Ridolfi, ‘ORM CAL VAL Analysis: 2nd part: Detailed results’, Rapporto Tecnico Scientifico of ESA contract 11717/95/NL/CN, (April 2003).

RT15.  B. Carli, S. Ceccherini, C. Cecchi-Pestellini, BM Dinelli, M. Gai, P.Raspollini, L.Santurri ‘MARSCHALS Level 2 Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document’ Rapporto Tecnico Scientifico dello studio ‘The scientific analysis of limb-sounding observations of the upper troposphere‘ ESA Contract 11717/95/NL/CN (2003)





Pubblicazioni su atti di congressi e scuole con editore e/o reviewer



PC1.      B. Carli, F. Mencaraglia, B.M. Dinelli, S. Piccioli  " Synthetic Spectra for the Analysis of Far Infrared Stratospheric Emission Measurements", Proceedings of 1985 International Conference on Fourier and Computerized Infrared Spectroscopy, Ottawa (1985)

PC2.      B.M. Dinelli," H2O+: Spettro Infrarosso e Proposta di Osservazione nel Mezzo Interstellare", Proceedings del Primo Convegno Italiano di Spettroscopia Molecolare Interstellare" Molecole nello Spazio ed in Laboratorio", Bologna, May 29-30, 1989. (RELATORE)

PC3.      B.M. Dinelli, S. Miller, O.L. Polyansky and J. Tennyson "Experimentally Determined Potential for H3+: Failure of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation", Proceedings del "Secondo Convegno Italiano di Spettroscopia e Dinamica delle Molecole Interstellari", Rovereto 18-20 Novembre 1993.

PC4.      B.M. Dinelli, N. Achilleos, H.A. Lam, J. Tennyson, S. Miller, M.-F. Jagod, T. Oka and T.R. Geballe "Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of The Impact of Fragment C of SL-9" Proceedings of the European SL-9/Jupiter Workshop, R. West and H. Boehnardt Editors, p 245-249 ESO, Garching, February 1995. (RELATORE)

PC5.      N. Achilleos, S. Miller, B.M. Dinelli, H.A. Lam, J. Tennyson, M.-F. Jagod, T.R. Geballe, L.M. Trafton, R.D. Joseph and G.E. Ballester "Post-SL9 impact brightness imbalance in the Jovian Aurorae" Proceedings of the European SL-9/Jupiter Workshop, R. West and H. Boehnardt Editors, p 375-380, ESO, Garching, February 1995.

PC6.      P. Raspollini, B. Carli, M. Carlotti, B.M. Dinelli, A. Dudhia, J-M. Flaud, M. Hoepfner, P.E. Morris, M. Ridolfi, G.Stiller and R.J. Wells "Optimization and Performance of the Retrieval Algorithm for MIPAS Near Real Time Data Processing" Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Atmospheric Science from Space using Fourier Transform Spectrometry - Toulose 16-18 November 1998

PC7.      B.Carli, E.Battistini, M.Carlotti, T.v.Clarmann, B.M.Dinelli, A.Dudhia, G.Echle, J.-M.Flaud, A.Gignoli, M.Hoepfner, E.Lunedei, F.Mencaraglia, P.E.Morris, P.Raspollini, M.Ridolfi, G.Stiller, A.Vigiani, R.J.Wells, ‘MIPAS Level 2 Algorithm’, European Symposium on Atmospheric Measurements from Space, 18-22 January 1999, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

PC8.      Odile Fanton d'Andon, Antoine Mangin, Gilles Bérenger, J.L. Bertaux, A. Hauchecorne, B.Théodore, C. Cot, P. Kechkut, F. Lefèvre, Olivier Talagrand, Dominique Fonteyn, C.Lambert, M.Carlotti, BM Dinelli, M.Ridolfi, Heinrich Bovensmann, John Burrows, Kyrö Kyrölä, Donald Murtagh, Ricaud P., J. de la Noë, Howard Roscoe, Guy Brasseur, Boris Khattatov, Gilles Bérenger, ‘The use of sequential assimilation tools for the validation of ENVISAT chemistry instruments and production of a unified 3-D ozone field’. Workshop on Chemical Data Assimilation and Applications to Satellite Observations, November 8-9, 1999 National Center for Atmospheric Research - Boulder, Colorado (USA).

PC9.      M.Ridolfi, E.Battistini, B.Carli, M.Carlotti, B.M.Dinelli, P.Raspollini, H. Oelhaf, F. Friedl-Vallon, M. Hoepfner, A. Kleinert, A. Lengel, G. Maucher, H. Nordmeyer, O. Trieschmann, G. Wetzel, ‘Pre-launch assessment of MIPAS/ENVISAT near real-time Level 2 algorithm with data obtained from the balloon borne MIPAS-B instrument: Part I: Instrument characterization, Level 1b data processing and consistency checks. Part II: Level 2 data analysis, results and performances’, 9th International Workshop on Atmospheric Science from Space using Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, 22 – 24 May 2000, Kyoto (Japan).

PC10.  Bianchini G., B. Carli, U. Cortesi, A. Gignoli, L. Palchetti, E. Pascale, B. M. Dinelli, P. Ade, P. Hamilton, C. Lee, ‘SAFIRE-A measurements during APE-GAIA Campaign’ proceedings of ERS-Envisat Symposium "Looking down to the earth in the new millennium", Gothenburg, Sweden,16-20 October 2000.

PC11.  U. Cortesi, G. Bianchini, B. Carli, A. Gignoli, L.Palchetti,  B.M.Dinelli, C. Lee, P.Ade, C. E. Blom, M. Höpfner, K. Lessenich ‘Remote-sensing measurements of inorganic chlorine species during the APE-GAIA campaign’, Newsletter European Geophysical Society, N. 78, EGS2000:XXV General Assembly, Nizza, marzo 2001.

PC12.  E. Battistini, B.M. Dinelli , M. Carlotti, B.Carli, P.Raspollini, M.Ridolfi, F. Friedl-Vallon, M. Höpfner, H.Oelhaf, O. Trieschmann, and G. Wetzel “Performances of MIPAS/ENVISAT Level 2 inversion algorithm with data measured by the balloon instrument MIPAS-B” in ‘IRS 2000: Current problems in Atmospheric Radiation’, Smith and Timofeyev Editors, A. Deepack Publishing, p. 361-364 (2001)

PC13.  Ridolfi M., B.Carli, M.Carlotti, T.v.Clarmann, B.M.Dinelli, A.Dudhia, J.-M.Flaud, M.Hoepfner, P.E.Morris, P.Raspollini, G.Stiller, R.J.Wells, ‘An optimized forward model and retrieval scheme for MIPAS near-real-time data processing’ ERS – ENVISAT symposium, 16 – 20 October 2000 Gothenburg, Sweden

PC14.  M.Carlotti, B.M.Dinelli, P.Raspollini, M.Ridolfi, ‘Geo-fit approach to the analysis of satellite limb-scanning measurements’, OSA topical meeting on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy and optical remote sensing of the atmosphere, pp. 125-127, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho (USA), (5 – 8 February 2001).

PC15.  M.Ridolfi, M.Carlotti, B.M.Dinelli, P.Raspollini, ‘Geo-fit approach to the analysis of satellite limb-scanning measurements’, 8th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Clouds and Atmosphere VI, SPIE Vol. 4539, Toulouse - France, (17 - 21 September 2001).

PC16.  P. Raspollini, B. Carli, M. Carlotti, S. Ceccherini, B. M. Dinelli, A. Dudhia, J.-M. Flaud, M. Höpfner, V. Jay, L. Magnani, H. Oelhaf, C. Piccolo, M. Prosperi, J. Remedios, M. Ridolfi and R. Spang, “Level 2 near real time analysis of MIPAS measurements on ENVISAT”, 9th International Symposium on Remote Sensing , 22-27 September 2002, Crete, Proceedings SPIE, Schaefer K.and Lado-Bordowsky O. Ed.s, vol. 4882.

PC17.  B. Carli, D. Alpaslan, M. Carlotti, E. Castelli, S. Ceccherini, B. M. Dinelli, A. Dudhia, J.-M. Flaud, M. Höpfner, V. Jay, M. L. Puertas, L. Magnani, H. Oelhaf, V. Payne, C. Piccolo, M. Prosperi, P. Raspollini, J. Remedios, M. Ridolfi and R. Spang, “Analysis of MIPAS measurements with the level 2 near real time code”, Envisat Calibration Review, ESA-ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands 9-13 Settembre 2002, CD Rom SP-520

PC18.  B.Carli, D.Alpaslan, M.Carlotti, E.Castelli, S.Ceccherini, B.M.Dinelli, A.Dudhia, J.-M.Flaud, M.Hoepfner, V.Jay, L.Magnani, H.Oelhaf, V.Payne, C.Piccolo, M.Prosperi, P.Raspollini, M.Ridolfi J.Remedios, R.Spang, 'Analysis of MIPAS measurements on ENVISAT with the operational Level 2 near real-time code', Sixth European Symposium on Stratospheric Ozone, Göteborg, Sweden, 2-6 September 2002.

PC19.  M. Ridolfi, D. Alpaslan, B. Carli, M. Carlotti, E. Castelli, S. Ceccherini, B. M. Dinelli, A. Dudhia, J.-M. Flaud, M. Höpfner, V. Jay, L. Magnani, H. Oelhaf, V. Payne, C. Piccolo, M. Prosperi, P. Raspollini, J. Remedios and R. Spang, “First results of near real time retrievals from MIPAS/ENVISAT measurements”, Joint CACGP/IGAC 2002 International Symposium: atmospheric chemistry within the earth system: from regional pollution to global change, Hersonissos, Creta, Grecia 18-25 Settembre. 2002

PC20.  B. Carli, D. Alpaslan, M. Carlotti, E. Castelli, S. Ceccherini, B. M. Dinelli, A. Dudhia, J.-M. Flaud, M. Höpfner, V. Jay, M. L. Puertas, L. Magnani, H. Oelhaf, V. Payne, C. Piccolo, M. Prosperi, P. Raspollini, J. Remedios, M. Ridolfi and R. Spang, “Analysis of MIPAS measurements with the level 2 near real time code”, Envisat Calibration Review, ESA-ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands 9-13 Settembre 2002, CD Rom SP-520

PC21.  M. Ridolfi, D. Alpaslan, B. Carli, M. Carlotti, E. Castelli, S. Ceccherini, B. M. Dinelli, A. Dudhia, J.-M. Flaud, M. Höpfner, V. Jay, L. Magnani, H. Oelhaf, V. Payne, C. Piccolo, M. Prosperi, P. Raspollini, J. Remedios, R. Spang, “MIPAS level 2 processor performance and verification”, Envisat Calibration Workshop, ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy, 9-13 Dicembre 2002, Noordwijk (2002), CD Rom ESA SP-531,

PC22.  P. Raspollini, D. Alpaslan, B. Carli, M. Carlotti, E. Castelli, S. Ceccherini, B. M. Dinelli, L. Magnani, M. Prosperi and M. Ridolfi, “MIPAS instrument and level 1 verifications using level 2 retrieval code”, Envisat Calibration Workshop, ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy, 9-13 Dicembre 2002, Noordwijk (2002), CD Rom ESA SP-531

PC23.  P. Raspollini, D. Alpaslan, B. Carli, M. Carlotti, E. Castelli, S. Ceccherini, B. M. Dinelli, A. Dudhia, L. Magnani, M. Prosperi, G. Redaelli and M. Ridolfi, “Internal consistency of MIPAS level 2 products”, Envisat Calibration Workshop, ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy, 9-13 Dicembre 2002, Noordwijk (2002), CD Rom ESA SP-531.

PC24.  U.Cortesi, G. Bianchini, E. Castelli, B.M. Dinelli, C. Lee ‘SAFIRE-A Measurements during the ESABC Campaign’, Envisat Calibration Workshop, ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy, 9-13 Dicembre 2002, Noordwijk (2002), CD Rom ESA SP-531

PC25.  G. Bianchini, A. Boscaleri, F. Mencaraglia, E.Pascale, E.Castelli, B.M. Dinelli ‘Correlative Measurements of  selected molecules over the mediterranean region’, Envisat Calibration Workshop, ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy, 9-13 Dicembre 2002, Noordwijk (2002), CD Rom ESA SP-531

PC26.  M. Ridolfi, D. Alpaslan, B. Carli, M. Carlotti, E. Castelli, S. Ceccherini, B. M. Dinelli, A. Dudhia, J.-M. Flaud, M. Höpfner, V. Jay, L. Magnani, H. Oelhaf, V. Payne, C. Piccolo, M. Prosperi, P. Raspollini, J. Remedios, R. Spang, “MIPAS level 2 processor performance and verification”, Envisat Calibration Workshop, ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy, 9-13 Dicembre 2002, Noordwijk (2002), CD Rom ESA SP-531,

PC27.  P. Raspollini, D. Alpaslan, B. Carli, M. Carlotti, E. Castelli, S. Ceccherini, B. M. Dinelli, L. Magnani, M. Prosperi and M. Ridolfi, “MIPAS instrument and level 1 verifications using level 2 retrieval code”, Envisat Calibration Workshop, ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy, 9-13 Dicembre 2002, Noordwijk (2002), CD Rom ESA SP-531

PC28.  P. Raspollini, D. Alpaslan, B. Carli, M. Carlotti, E. Castelli, S. Ceccherini, B. M. Dinelli, A. Dudhia, L. Magnani, M. Prosperi, G. Redaelli and M. Ridolfi, “Internal consistency of MIPAS level 2 products”, Envisat Calibration Workshop, ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy, 9-13 Dicembre 2002, Noordwijk (2002), CD Rom ESA SP-531.

PC29.  U.Cortesi, G. Bianchini, E. Castelli, B.M. Dinelli, C. Lee ‘SAFIRE-A Measurements during the ESABC Campaign’, Envisat Calibration Workshop, ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy, 9-13 Dicembre 2002, Noordwijk (2002), CD Rom ESA SP-531

PC30.  G. Bianchini, A. Boscaleri, F. Mencaraglia, E.Pascale, E.Castelli, B.M. Dinelli ‘Correlative Measurements of selected molecules over the mediterranean region’, Envisat Calibration Workshop, ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy, 9-13 Dicembre 2002, Noordwijk (2002), CD Rom ESA SP-531

PC31.  B.M. Dinelli, L. Magnani, M. Carlotti, E. Papandrea, M. Prevedelli, M. Ridolfi, A. Dudhia ‘GEO-MTR A 2-Dimensional Multi Target Retrieval system for MIPAS/ENVISAT observations’ Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, KOS Grecia 2004 (RELATORE)

PC32.  B.M. Dinelli, E. Castelli, U. Cortesi, G. Bianchini, L. Palchetti ‘limb sounding emission measurements of lower stratospheric constituents from high altitude aircraft: an overview of SAFIRE-A campaigns at mid-latitude and in the polar regions’  Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, KOS Grecia 2004

PC33.  U. Cortesi, G. Bianchini, L. Palchetti, B.M. Dinelli, E. Castelli, G. Redaelli ‘MIPAS-ENVISAT validation measurements with the high resolution FT-IR spectrometer SAFIRE-A aboard the stratospheric aircraft M-55 Geophysica’ Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, KOS Grecia 2004





Comunicazioni a congressi senza pubblicazione degli atti


C1.            B.M..Dinelli, E. Menchi ‘Bistabilita’ e Q-switching passivo in laser a CO2 con assorbitore saturabile intracavita’ ’ IX Congresso annuale del Settore di fisica atomica e molecolare del GNSM- Sorrento 1983 (RELATORE)

C2.            E. Arimondo, B.M. Dinelli E. Menchi ‘ Precise measurements of bistability in a CO2 laser with intracavity saturable absorber’ Topical meeting on Optical bistability – 1983

C3.            B. Carli e B.M. Dinelli ‘Results from FIR emission measurements’ BIC 1 International data analysis Firenze 1983

C4.            MG Baldecchi, A. Bonetti, B. Carli, B.M. Dinelli, F Forni, R Gheser, F Mencaraglia, E Rossi ‘High resolution submillimetre spectroscopy’ 7 european regional astronomy meeting  Firenze 1983

C5.            MG Baldecchi, B. Carli, F Mencaraglia, A. Bonetti, , B.M .Dinelli, F Forni,  E Rossi, M. Carlotti, G. di Lonardo, A. Trombetti ‘ Osservazione simultanea di componenti rari della stratosfera’ Congresso istitutivo del gruppo nazionale di Fisica dell’Atmosfera e dell’Oceano L’Aquila 1983

C6.            B. Carli,  F Mencaraglia, A. Bonetti, ,  B.M. Dinelli, M Carlotti, I. Nolt, Radostitz, ‘FIT FT Spectroscopy of the stratosphere’ C.I.R.P. 3 Zurigo Svizzera 1984

C7.            MG Baldecchi, A. Bonetti, B. Carli, M Carlotti, B.M. Dinelli, F Mencaraglia, S.Piccioli ‘High resolution measurements of the submillimeter stratospheric spectrum and its interpretation’  9 colloquium on high resolution Molecular spectroscopy – Riccione – Italia 1985

C8.            B. Carli, M Carlotti, B.M. Dinelli, F Mencaraglia, S.Piccioli ‘Synthetic spectra calculation for the quantitative analysis of high resolution far ifrared spectra of the stratosphere’ International Conference on Fourier and Computerized infrared Spectrocopy Ottawa Ontario Canada 1985

C9.            B.D. Rehfuss, DJ Liu, B.M. Dinelli, M-F Jagod, M.W. Crofton and T. Oka ‘Infrared spectroscopy of the A2Pu - X2Sg Electronic transitions of C2-‘ 41 symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy – Columbus Ohio 1986

C10.       M.W. Crofton, B.D. Rehfuss, B.M. Dinelli T. Oka ‘ The puzzling infrared spectrum of a Carbonium Ion (C2H3+ ?) ‘41 symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy – Columbus Ohio 1986

C11.       B.M. Dinelli, M.W. Crofton and T. Oka ‘ Analysis of the v3 infrared fundamental band of H2O+ (X 2B1)’ 41 Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy – Columbus Ohio 1986 (RELATORE)

C12.       M.G. Baldecchi, A. Bonetti, B. Carli, M. Carlotti, B.M. Dinelli, F. Mencaraglia, I. Nolt, J. Park, Radostitz, E. Rossi ‘High resolution spectra of the far infrared stratospheric emission’ 11 international conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves Tirrenia (PI) 1986

C13.       B.D. Rehfuss, B.M. Dinelli, M. Okumura, M. Bawendi and T. Oka ‘ Infrared spectrum of the v3 band of NH2+42 symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy – Columbus Ohio 1987

C14.       M. Bawendi, B.D. Rehfuss, B.M. Dinelli, M. Okumura and T. Oka ‘ Infrared spectrum of the v3 band of NH3+42 symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy – Columbus Ohio 1987

C15.       B.M. Dinelli, B. Carli, F. Mencaraglia, M. Carlotti, J. Park ‘Stratospheric Distribution of Hydroxil Radical from far-IR Emission Spectra’ Quadrennial Ozone Symposium Gottingen Germania 1988 (RELATORE)

C16.       B.M. Dinelli, B. Carli, F. Mencaraglia, M. Carlotti, J. Park ‘Stratospheric Distribution of Hydroxil Radical from far-IR Emission Spectra’ XIII General Assembly of European Geophysical Society – Bologna 1988 (RELATORE)

C17.       B. Carli, F. Mencaraglia, M. Carlotti, B.M. Dinelli ‘Submillimeter measurement of Chlorine Monoxide in the stratosphere’  XIII General Assembly of European Geophysical Society – Bologna 1988

C18.        C.J. Pursell,  W.C. Ho, B.M. Dinelli and T. Oka ;Infrared spectroscopy of an H2/O2 Discharge: II The H2O+ ion’ 44 symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy – Columbus Ohio 1989

C19.       B.M. Dinelli, C.J. Pursell, W.C. Ho and T. Oka ‘ The infrared spectrum of H2O+’ – XI colloquium on High resolution Molecular spectroscopy Giessen 1989 (RELATORE)

C20.        B.M. Dinelli, M. Bawendi, M. Okumura, B.D. Rehfuss and T. Oka ‘ Infrared spectrum of the v3 band of NH2+ and NH3+’ XI colloquium on High resolution Molecular spectroscopy Giessen 1989 (RELATORE)

C21.       G. Corbelli, B.M. Dinelli, A.C. Fantoni, F. Scappini, G. Di Lonardo, L. Fusina  'Hyperfine Structure Analysis of SbH3 in the Ground State and in the v4 State' 12 Colloquium on High resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Dijon 1991

C22.       B.M. Dinelli, S. Miller J. Tennyson 'A spectrocopically determined potential energy surface for H3+' 13 Colloquium on High resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Riccione Italia 1993

C23.       B.M. Dinelli, ‘Infrared imaging and Spectroscopy of SL9 impact plumes’ National Astronomy Meeting, Cardiff, 3-7 April 1995 (RELATORE)

C24.       B.M. Dinelli, S. Miller, N. Achilleos, J. Tennyson, M-F Jagod, T. Oka, J.C. Hilico, T.R. Geballe ‘Results of the analysis of the UKIRT infrared spectra of impact C of Comet SL-9’ 27 Annual Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the AAS, Mauna Lani, 9-13 Ottobre 1995

C25.       B.M. Dinelli, O.L. Polyansky J. Tennyson 'Spectrocopically determined  Born-Oppenheimer and Adiabatic Surfaces for H3+' 14 Colloquium on High resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Riccione Italia 1995

C26.       B.M. Dinelli, S. Miller, N. Achilleos, J. Tennyson, M-F Jagod, T. Oka, J.C. Hilico, T.R. Geballe 'Assignment of hot mehane lines in comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collision spectra' 14 Colloquium on High resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Riccione Italia 1995

C27.       S. Miller, N. Achilleos, H.An Lam, M. Cahill, J. Tennyson, B.M. Dinelli ‘The impact of Shoemaker Levy-9 on the Jovian ionosphere and aurorae’ International Conference on the SL9-Jupiter Collision, Meudon, Francia, 3-5 Luglio 1996

C28.       B.M. Dinelli ‘GASTRAN2: Studio e misure da satellite dei gas atmosferici in traccia – Applicazione dei dati a modelli chimici’ Workshop ASI ‘Getting ready for ENVISAT’, Matera 31 maggio –1 giugno 2001 (RELATORE)

C29.       B.Carli, D.Alpaslan, M.Carlotti, E.Castelli, S.Ceccherini, B.M.Dinelli, A.Dudhia, J.-M.Flaud, M.Hoepfner, V.Jay, L.Magnani, H.Oelhaf, V.Payne, C.Piccolo, M.Prosperi, P.Raspollini, M.Ridolfi J.Remedios, R.Spang, “Analysis of MIPAS/ENVISAT with operational Level 2 code', COSPAR - 2002, Houston, Texas (USA), 10 - 19 October 2002

C30.       M. Carlotti, E. Castelli, B.M. Dinelli, L. Magnani, P. Raspollini and M. Ridolfi, “Geo-fit approach for temperature, pressure and VMR retrievals from MIPAS measurements’, EGS 2002 - 27th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, April 21-26, 2002 (RELATORE)

C31.       B. Carli, D. Alpaslan, M. Carlotti, E. Castelli, S. Ceccherini, B.M. Dinelli, A. Dudhia, J.-M. Flaud, M.  Höpfner, V. Jay, M. Lòpez Puertas, L. Magnani, H. Oelhaf, V. Payne, C. Piccolo, M. Prosperi, P. Raspollini, J. Remedios, M. Ridolfi, R. Spang, ‘Validation of MIPAS Level 2 products’, IGARSS03 Toulouse, 21 - 25 July 2003.

C32.       P. Raspollini, D. Alpaslan, B. Carli, M. Carlotti, E. Castelli, S. Ceccherini, B.M. Dinelli, A. Dudhia, J.-M. Flaud, M. Hoepfner, V. Jay, L. Magnani, H. Oelhaf , C. Piccolo, M. Prosperi, J. Remedios, M. Ridolfi, R. Spang, ‘Level 2 near real-time analysis of MIPAS measurements on ENVISAT: updated performance assessment’, EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly, Nice, 6 - 11 April 2003.

C33.       B.M. Dinelli, D. Alpaslan, M. Carlotti, L. Magnani, M. Ridolfi, ‘Multi-Target Retrieval (MTR): The simultaneous retrieval of pressure, temperature and Volume Mixing Ratio profiles from limb-scanning atmospheric measurements’, EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly, Nice, 6 - 11 April 2003.

C34.       M. Carlotti, B.M. Dinelli, L. Magnani, P. Raspollini, M. Ridolfi ‘Application of the GEO-FIT analysis to real MIPAS data: from a scientific to an operational code’ EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly, Nice, 6 - 11 April 2003

C35.       U. Cortesi, G. Bianchini, L. Palchetti, B.M. Dinelli, E. Castelli, C. Lee: “SAFIRE-A MEASUREMENTS OF O3, HNO3 and N2O VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION FOR MIPAS-ENVISAT VALIDATION, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, 6-12 April, 2003.

C36.       U. Cortesi, G. Bianchini, E. Castelli, B.M. Dinelli: “MEASUREMENT CAPABILITIES AND APPLICATIONS OF THE HIGH RESOLUTION FOURIER TRANSFORM SPECTROMETER SAFIRE-A (Spectroscopy of the Atmosphere by using Far-InfraRed Emission - Airborne)”, Workshop on Airborne Remote Sensing for Geophysical and Environmental Applications, Rome, 14 -16 April 2003.

C37.       U. Cortesi , G. Bianchini , l.. Palchetti , E. Castelli , B.M. Dinelli ,  C. Lee  , G. Redaelli: “results of envisat validation measurements obtained by the safire-a spectrometer at mid-latitude and in the arctic region”, 16th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, 2 - 5 June 2003, St. Gallen, Switzerland.

C38.       B.M. DinelliWP 2.5: Retrieval of non-standard MIPAS data’ ASSET project meeting , Firenze , 4 giugno 2003 (RELATORE)

C39.       L. Magnani, M. Ridolfi, M. Carlotti, B.M. Dinelli, ‘MIPAS-ENVISAT measurements: Study of the trade-off between accuracy and horizontal resolution’, Atmospheric Science from Space using Fourier Transform Spectrometers, Bad Wildbad (Germany), 8 – 10 October 2003.

C40.       P. Raspollini, B. Carli, S. Ceccherini, M. Prosperi, M. Carlotti, M. Ridolfi, D. Alpaslan, E. astelli, B.M. Dinelli, L. Magnani, A. Dudhia, V. Payne, C. Piccolo, J.-M. Flaud, H. Oelhaf, M. Hoepfner, J. Remendios, R. Spang, ‘MIPAS Level 2 near real-time processor performance’, Atmospheric Science from Space using Fourier Transform Spectrometers, Bad Wildbad (Germany), 8 – 10 October 2003.

C41.       B.M. Dinelli, L. Magnani, M. Carlotti, M. Ridolfi, ‘Multi-target retrieval of the volume mixing ratio of SF6 from MIPAS spectra’, Atmospheric Science from Space using Fourier Transform Spectrometers, Bad Wildbad (Germany), 8 – 10 October 2003

C42.       E. Castelli, U. Cortesi, G. Bianchini, and B.M. Dinelli: “Measurements Capabilities and applications of the high resolution Fourier transform spectrometer SAFIRE-A (Spectroscopy of the Atmosphere by using Far-InfraRed Emission - Airborne) ”, ASSFTS, Bad Wildbad (Black Forest), Germany, 8 - 10 October 2003.

C43.       B.M. Dinelli ‘Remote Sensing della Stratosfera: Sviluppo di algoritmi per l’analisi di misure da satellite e aereo e loro applicazione’ Convention ISAC, Bocca di Magra (SP), 3-6 Novembre 2004 (RELATORE)

C44.       B.M. Dinelli ‘Futuri sviluppi con le tecniche di GEO-FIT e Multi Target Retrieval (MTR)’ Workshop su Data Assimilation Roma 17 Novembre 2003. (RELATORE)

C45.       B.M. Dinelli ‘SAFIRE-A Analisi della composizione atmosferica usando la spettroscopia IR’ Giornata di Studio sulla Ricerca Aerea, EUFAR, Bologna, 18 Dicembre 2003 (RELATORE)

C46.       U. Cortesi, G. Bianchini, E. Castelli, and B.M. Dinelli:Measurements of minor stratospheric constituents geographical and vertical distribution across the border of the Southern Polar vortex by limb sounding observation with the SAFIRE-A spectrometer”, Workshop on the Observation, Transport Modeling and Climatology of the Southern Hemisphere Stratosphere, Buenos Aires (Argentina) - December 9-11, 2003.

C47.       U. Cortesi, G. Bianchini, L. Palchetti, E. Castelli, B.M. Dinelli, G. Redaelli: “RESULTS OF MID-LATITUDE MIPAS VALIDATION MEASUREMENTS OBTAINED BY THE SAFIRE-A AIRBORNE FT-FIR SPECTROMETER”, Second Workshop on the Atmospheric Chemistry Validation on ENVISAT (ACVE-2), Esrin, Frascati, Italy, 3-7 May 2004.

C48.       B.M. Dinelli ‘GEO-MTR A 2-Dimensional Multi Target Retrieval system for MIPAS observations’ COST 723 opening workshop ESTEC Noordwijk Olanda, 11-13  Marzo 2004 (RELATORE)