At ISAC-CNR a numerical
weather prediction chain for producing real-time, high resolution forecasts
in the range 0-72 hours over south-eastern Italy, has been implemented exclusively
for the scientific purposes of the
Forecasts will be made daily until the end of the project (hopefully).
They will be used, together with those of
other participants, to define meteorological alerts and as input for a wave model (WAM).
The modelling chain comprises the hydrostatic model
BOLAM and the
non-hydrostatic model MOLOCH
which is nested into BOLAM. Both models have been developed at ISAC.
For BOLAM simulations, the horizontal resolution is 0.15 degrees in
rotated coordinates (about 16 km), with 40 levels and
parameterization (Kain-Fritsch) of moist convection. For MOLOCH, the
resolution is 0.035 degrees, corresponding to about 4 km, with 50 levels. Deep
moist convection is treated explicitely.
Initial and boundary conditions are provided by 00 UTC, GFS model (NCEP) analysis and
subsequent forecasts, respectively, at 0.5 degree horizontal resolution.
The numerical integrations are performed on a Linux cluster running Debian GNU Linux.
At ISAC (Lecce unit) an operative forecasting chain based on WRF model is running daily.
Click HERE |
Wave height forecasts (WAM model), based on wind data provided by MOLOCH, are available
for southern Italy |
Contact: (replace -at- with @)