Susanna Corti
personal informations
Born on 18 June 1962 in Bologna, ItalyClassical studies at the High School
Degree in Physics
Ph.D. in Physics with a thesis on atmospheric dynamics
1989 | Degree in Physics at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Bologna. Final thesis (Tesi di Laurea) on greenhouse effect in the atmosphere and climate sensitivity. |
1990 | Diploma of the Physics Specialization School at the University of Bologna |
1994 | Ph.D. in Physics/Geophysics at the University of Bologna - Thesis on low and ultra-low frequency atmospheric variability in a 3-level T21 quasi-geostrophic model. |
1991-92 | ATMOSPHERIC DYNAMICS GROUP BOLOGNA (ADGB) University of Bologna-Physics Dept., Bologna, Italy Ph.D. Student Diagnostics of blocking events in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter. |
1993 (Feb - Oct) | EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR MEDIUM RANGE WEATHER FORECASTS (ECMWF) Shinfield Park, Reading, Berkshire RG2 9AX, United Kingdom Ph.D. Student-Visiting Scientist Long term integrations with a quasi-geostrophic three level atmospheric model. Diagnosis of weather regimes behaviour. |
1994-95-96 (Dec 1993 - Feb 1996) |
ECMWF and ADGB JOINT PROJECT (made as part of a European Union project Short-term Climate Variability under contract EV5V-CT93-0279)
Workplaces: University of Bologna, Department of Physics - ECMWF Consultant Analysis and interpretation of results from long integrations of a realistic quasi-geostrophic model on the basis of the behaviour of simple nonlinear systems. Investigation of the dynamical origin of interannual and interdecadal fluctuations in the statistical properties of low-frequency variability analysing the role of internal nonlinear dynamics and the effects of variations in atmospheric forcing arising from the lower boundary. Application of adjoint techniques to study the predictability of transitions between quasi-geostrophic model weather regimes. Identification of fairly distinct paths in phase space associated with predictable and unpredictable transitions. Analysis and comparison of weather and climate predictability properties in this model. |
1996-2001 (Apr 1996 - Oct 2001) | CINECA Inter-University Consortium Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna, Italy PostDoc Fellowship (from July 1998 staff) Quantification of potential predictability of seasonal fluctuations in climate using ensembles of GCM simulations performed at ECMWF, initialised using reanalysis data-sets and forced with observed sea surface temperature fields. Statistical analysis of the relationship between variability of surface air temperature and frequency of large-scale atmospheric regimes / teleconnection patterns on the interdecadal time-scale. Modulation of atmospheric intraseasonal variability by boundary forcing on the interannual and decadal timescale. Identification of forcing errors in GCMs. |
2001 up to present | INSTITUTE OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES AND CLIMATE (ISAC) - NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (CNR) Bologna, Italy. Staff Scientist. Assessment of the influence of tropical SST anomalies (ENSO) and land surface conditions on circulation regimes (like NAO, PNA, and Asian and African Monsoon). Study of the relationship, which involves nonlinear feedbacks, between extratropical SSTs anomalies and the stabilisation of circulation regimes (i.e. tendency to partially lock the atmosphere into a given regimes). Study of the model(s) systematic error. Evaluation of the vertical structure of weather regimes, utilising the reanalysis datasets, and their potential role in accounting for discrepancies between observed surface and tropospheric temperature trends. Evaluation of the significance of any discrepancies between observed regime behaviour and that simulated by the current generation of A-OGCMs. Evaluation of the extent to what anthropogenic climate change can be understood in terms of changes to the PDFs of these regimes. nvestigation of the predictability and persistence properties of global and local weather regimes and clarification of the role that chaotic fluctuations between quasi-stationary regimes play in the dynamics of climate; Sensitivity integrations with a simplified model in order to understand the structural stability properties of weather regimes when a variable external forcing is applied. Theoretical studies of predictability in Dynamic Meteorology and Climate. |
Principal Investigator in the following projects funded by the European Commission:V Framework "Environment and Sustanable Development":
- PI for CINECA in PROMISE (PRedictability and variability Of Monsoons and the agricultural and hydrological Impacts of climate change) for years 2000-2001
- PI for CINECA in PRUDENCE (Prediction of Regional scenarios and Uncertainties for Defining European Climate change risks and Effects) for years 2001-2002
- PI for CNR-ISAC in ENSEMBLES (ENSEMBLE-based predictionS of climate changes and their impacts) for years 2004-2009
Lecturer of Atmospheric Dynamics at the University of Ferrara, Physics Department, for the years: 2002/2003 and 2003/2004.EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES
Executive Editor of "Climate Dynamics" since July 2007.EXPERIENCE IN REVIEW/EVALUATION
Several peer reviews for the following scientific journals: Monthly Weather Review, Journal of Climate, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, TellusEvaluator of research proposals for the programme "Environment and Sustainable Development" of the Commission of the European Communities within the V and VI Framework Programmes
Reviewer for the NOAA's Office of Global Program on Climate Variability and Predictability
eviewer for the NOAA's Office of Climate Change Detection and Attribution Project
- International Journals
- T.N. Palmer, R. Buizza, F. Molteni, Y.Q. Chen, S. Corti, 1994: "Singular vectors and the predictability of weather and climate" Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A(1994) 348, 459-475
- S. Corti and T.N. Palmer, 1997 "Sensitivity analysis of atmospheric low-frequency variability" Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 123, 2425-2447
abstract - S. Corti, A. Giannini, S. Tibaldi and F. Molteni, 1997: "Patterns of low-frequency variability in a three level quasi-geostrophic model". Climate Dynamics 13, 883-904
abstract - F. Molteni and S. Corti, 1998 "Long term fluctuations in the statistical properties of low-frequency variability: dynamical origin and predictability" Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 124, 495-526
abstract - P. Bongioannini Cerlini, S. Corti and S. Tibaldi, 1999 "An intercomparison between low-frequency variability indices". Tellus 51A, 773-789
abstract - S. Corti, F. Molteni and T. N. Palmer, 1999 "Signature of recent climate change in frequencies of natural atmospheric circulation regimes". Nature 398, 799-802
abstract - S. Corti, F. Molteni and C. Brankovic, 2000 "Predictability of snow-depth anomalies over Eurasia and associated circulation patterns". Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 126, 241-262
abstract - S. Corti, S. Gualdi and A. Navarra, 2003 "Analysis of the midlatitude weather regimes in the 200-year control integration of the SINTEX model". Annals of Geophysics, 46, 27-37
abstract - F. Molteni, S. Corti, L. Ferranti and J. M. Slingo, 2003: "Predictability experiments for the Asian summer monsoon: impact of SST anomalies on interannual and intraseasonal variability." Journal of Climate, 16, 4001-4021.
abstract - DM Straus, S. Corti and F. Molteni, 2007: Circulation Regimes: Chaotic Variability vs. SST-Forced Predictability. Journal of Climate, in press
- Special volumes
- Palmer, T.N., R. Buizza, F. Molteni, Y-Q Chen and S. Corti, 1995: Singular vectors and the predictability of weather and climate. In "Chaos and Forecasting" (Proceedings of the Royal Society discussion meeting), H. Tong ed., World Scientific, London. (cf. a1)
- S. Tibaldi, S. Corti and A. Giannini, 1995: Blocking and teleconnections in a three-level quasi-geostrophic global model in "Modern Dynamical Meteorology" (Proceedings of the Symposium in honor of Professor Askel Wiin Nielsen) Peter Dislevsen, Copenhagen , held in Copenhagen 4-7 April 1995
- F. Molteni, M. G. Angelucci, S. Corti and V. Pavan, 2001: Development of simplified parametrization schemes for a 5-level primitive equation model of the atmospheric circulation. Archo. Oceanogr. Limnol. 22, 1-8
- . Molteni, F. Kucharski and S. Corti, 2006: On the predictability of flow-regime properties on interannual to interdecadal timescales. In: "Predictability of Weather and Climate", T. Palmer and R. Hagedorn, Eds., Cambridge University Press, DOI: 10.2277/0521848822
- Proceedings
- S. Tibaldi, S. Corti and A. Giannini, 1995: Blocking and teleconnections in a three-level quasi-geostrophic global model. - Proceedings of the Symposium in honor of Professor Askel Wiin Nielsen, held in Copenhagen 4-7 April 1995 (cf. b2)
- F. Molteni and S. Corti, 1995: Predictability of the statistical properties of low-frequency variability: influence of chaotic dynamics and boundary forcing. - Proceedings of ECMWF seminar on Predictability, held at ECMWF 4-8 September 1995.
- S. Corti and F. Molteni, 1997: Variability and predictability of Snow depth anomalies over Eurasia and associated circulation patterns. - Proceedings of the First International conference on Reanalyses WCRP-104 WMO/TD-NO. 876
- P. Bongioannini Cerlini, S. Corti and S. Tibaldi, 1998: Low-frequency variability modes and wave amplitude index. - Proceedings of the Rossby-100 Symposium held in Stockholm, Sweden, 8-12 June 1998
- S. Corti, 2000: Analysis of the mid-latitude low-frequency variability ("weather regimes") in the 200-year control integration of the SINTEX model. - 'Model systematic errors': extended abstracts of presentations at the twelfth annual BMRC modelling workshop (co-sponsored by WCRP/WGNE), Jasper and Meighen editors,BMRC Research Report No. 80
- F. Molteni, F. Kucharski and S. Corti, 2002: On the predictability of flow-regime properties on interannual to interdecadal timescales. - Proceedings of ECMWF seminar on Predictability, held at ECMWF 9-12 September 2002.
- Internal Publications and Theses
- S. Corti, 1989: (in italian) "Relazione fra effetto serra e paleoclima" Tesi di Laurea in Fisica at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Bologna. Available at the Physics Department of the University of Bologna.
- S. Corti, 1994: (in italian) "Modellistica dei regimi di circolazione atmosferica alle medie latitudini durante la stagione invernale" Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bologna, available at the National Libraries of Florence and Rome.
- S. Corti and F. Molteni, 1998: Snow-depth anomalies over Eurasia and associated circulation patterns. - in Science and Supercomputing at CINECA - G. Erbacci and M. Voli - Bologna (cf a5)
- S. Corti and F. Molteni, 1998: Snow-depth anomalies over Eurasia and large-scale monsoon circulation. - in Science and Supercomputing at CINECA - G. Erbacci and M. Voli - Bologna (cf a5)
- S. Corti and F. Molteni, 1998: Variations in hemispheric surface-air temperature associated with large scale flow patterns. - in Science and Supercomputing atCINECA - G. Erbacci and M. Voli - Bologna
- S. Corti, 2000: Analysis of weather regimes in the 200-year control integration of the SINTEX model. - in Science and Supercomputing at CINECA - G. Erbacci and M. Voli - Bologna (cf c5)
- F. Molteni, S. Corti and L. Ferranti, 2000: Influence of Eurasian snow depth anomalies on the Asian monsoon circulation. - in Science and Supercomputing at CINECA - G.Erbacci and M. Voli - Bologna
- . Corti, 2004: (in italian) Predicibilità previsioni: dal tempo di domani al clima del futuro. - Proceedings of the Conference "Il clima del nostro futuro", held in Milan the 8th of May 2003 at the Osservatorio Meteorologico for the World Meteorological Day.