Andrea Buzzi
lezioni del corso di meteorologia dinamica
present position
Associated scientist - Ricercatore associato |
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC-CNR) Bologna Italy |
Contract Professor of Dynamic Meteorology |
Department of Physics, University of Bologna |
1972 | Laurea in Physics, University of Bologna, Italy. |
Professional positions
1974-75 | Visiting Fellow at Dept. of Meteorology of Imperial College, London |
1975-78 | Research assistant at the Institute of Physics, University of Bologna |
1978-88 | Ricercatore at the CNR FISBAT Institute, Bologna |
1988-97 | Primo Ricercatore at CNR FISBAT Institute, Bologna |
1997 | Dirigente di Ricerca at CNR ISAO (later ISAC) |
2002-2005 | Head of the Dynamic Meteorology Division of ISAC |
Research and teaching experience
- About thirty year research experience in Dynamic Meteorology, Synoptic Meteorology, Meteorological Numerical Modelling, Analysis and Assimilation of meteorological data
- Visiting scientist at different Universities and Research Institutes
- Principal investigators in numerous nationally and internationally-based research contracts on the research themes listed above, including Environment and Climate EU projects
- Participating in national and international research projects in meteorology, geophysical fluid dynamics, climatology, including ALPEX (ICSU-WMO), MAP and MEDEX (WWRP-WMO)
- Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society (since 1976) and of the Italian Meteorological Society (since 2003)
- Associate Editor of the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (2002-2006)
- Referee for many international journals and research proposals submitted to Italian and foreign research agencies
- Lecturer at many university-level courses and schools; tutor of numerous undergraduate and PhD students
- Member of different Scientific Councils of CNR and other scientific institutions
- Organizer and convenor of numerous international scientific conferences and workshops
- Author or co-author of more than 180 publications, more than one third of them being scientific papers in refereed international journals. More than 150 conference presentations
selected publications
- Buzzi, A., and S. Tibaldi, 1977: Inertial and frictional effects on rotating and stratified flow over topography. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 103, 135-150.
- Buzzi, A., and S. Tibaldi, 1978: Cyclogenesis in the lee of the Alps: a case study. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 104, 271-287.
- Buzzi, A., and A. Speranza, 1979: Stationary flow of a quasi-geostrophic, stratified atmosphere past finite amplitude obstacles. Tellus, 31 A, 1-12.
- Tibaldi, S., A. Buzzi and P. Malguzzi, 1980: Orographically induced cyclogenesis: analysis of numerical experiments. Mon. Wea. Rev., 108, 1302-1314.
- Trevisan, A., and A. Buzzi, 1980: Stationary response of barotropic weakly non-linear Rossby waves to quasi-resonant orographic forcing. J. Atmos. Sci., 37, 947-957.
- Buzzi, A., A. Trevisan and G. Salustri, 1981: Internal frontogenesis: a two-dimensional model in isentropic, semi-geostrophic coordinates. Mon. Wea. Rev., 109, 1053-1060.
- Tibaldi, S., and A. Buzzi, 1983: Effects of orography on Mediterranean lee cyclogenesis and its relationship to European blocking. Tellus, 35 A, 269-286.
- Buzzi, A., A. Trevisan and A. Speranza, 1984: Instabilities of a baroclinic flow related to topographic forcing. J. Atmos. Sci., 41, 637-650.
- Speranza, A., A. Buzzi, A. Trevisan and P. Malguzzi, 1985: A theory of deep cyclogenesis in the lee of the Alps. Part I: modifications of baroclinic instability by localized topography. J. Atmos. Sci., 42, 1521-1535.
- Buzzi, A., and A. Speranza, 1986: A theory of deep cyclogenesis in the lee of the Alps. Part II: Effects of finite topographic slope and height. J. Atmos. Sci., 43, 2826-2837.
- Buzzi, A., A. Speranza, S. Tibaldi and E. Tosi, 1987: A unified theory of orographic influences upon cyclogenesis. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 36, 91-107.
- Buzzi, A., and E. Tosi, 1989: Statistical behaviour of transient eddies near mountains and implications for theories of lee cyclogenesis. J. Atmos. Sci., 46, 1233-1249. Ed., World Scientific, Singapore, 247-262.
- Tibaldi, S., A. Buzzi and A. Speranza, 1990: Orographic cyclogenesis. "Extratropical Cyclones - The Eric Palmen Memorial Volume", C.W. Newton and E.O. Holopainen Ed., American Meteorological Society, Boston, 107-127.
- Buzzi, A., P. Malguzzi and A. Trevisan, 1990: The statistical properties of the interaction of high-frequency eddies with mountains in a two-layer model. Tellus, 42 A, 28-40.
- Buzzi, A., A.R. Hansen and E. Tosi, 1990: Probability density distributions of large-scale midlatitude circulation parameters during Northern Hemisphere summer. Tellus, 42 A, 366-377.
- Buzzi, A., M. Fantini and G. Lippolis, 1991: Quasi-stationary organized convection in the presence of an inversion near the surface: experiments with a 2-D numerical model. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 45, 75-86.
- Buzzi, A., D. Gomis, M.A. Pedder and S. Alonso, 1991: A method to reduce the adverse impact that inhomogeneous station distributions have on spatial interpolation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 119, 2465-2491.
- Buzzi, A., and P.P. Alberoni, 1992: Analysis and numerical modelling of a frontal passage associated with thunderstorm development over the Po valley and the Adriatic sea. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 48, 205-224.
- Fantini, M., and A. Buzzi, 1993: Numerical experiments on a possible mechanism of cyclogenesis in the Antarctic region. Tellus, 45 A, 99-113.
- Buzzi, A., M. Fantini, P. Malguzzi and F. Nerozzi, 1994: Validation of a limited area model in cases of Mediterranean cyclogenesis: surface fields and precipitation scores. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 53, 137-153.
- Fantini, M., and A. Buzzi, 1994: Short baroclinic waves of small amplitude in moist environment. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 120, 1069-1084.
- Tartaglione, N., A. Buzzi and M. Fantini, 1996: Supercell simulations with simple ice parameterization. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 58, 1-4, 139-149.
- Gyakum, J.R., M. Carrera, D.-L. Zhang, S. Miller, J. Caveen, R. Benoit, T. Black, A. Buzzi, C. Chouinard, M. Fantini, C. Folloni, J.J. Katzfei, Y.-H. Kuo, F. Lalaurette, S. Low-Nam, J. Mailhot, P. Malguzzi, J.M. McGregor, M. Nakamura, G. Tripoli and C. Wilson., 1996: A regional model intercomparison using a case of explosive oceanic cyclogenesis. Weather and Forecasting, 11, 521-543.
- Buzzi, A., R. Cadelli and P. Malguzzi, 1997: Low level jet simulation over the Southern Ocean in Antarctica. Tellus, 49A, 263-276.
- Fantini, M., and A. Buzzi, 1997: Baroclinic waves in a shallow saturated layer. J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 2146-2154.
- Cardinali, C., M. Caian, J. Pailleaux, N. Tartaglione, A. Buzzi, A. Lavagnini, 1998: An intercomparison between a global variable mesh and two limited area models on a case of rapid cyclogenesis. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 65, 93-111.
- Lionello, P., P. Malguzzi and A. Buzzi, 1998: Coupling between the atmospheric circulation and the ocean wave field: an idealized case. J. Phys. Ocean., 28, 161-177.
- Buzzi, A., N. Tartaglione and P. Malguzzi, 1998: Numerical simulations of the 1994 Piedmont flood: Role of orography and moist processes. Mon. Wea. Rev., 126, 2369-2383.
- Buzzi, A., and L. Foschini, 2000: Mesoscale meteorological features associated with heavy precipitation in the southern Alpine region. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 72, 131-146.
- Georgelin, M., P. Bougeault, T. Black, N. Brzovic, A. Buzzi, J. Calvo, V. Cassé, M. Desgagné, R. El-Khatib, J. F. Geleyn, T. Holt, S.-Y. Hong, T. Kato, J. Katzfey, K. Kurihara, B. Lacroix, F. Lalaurette, Y. Lemaitre, J. Mailhot, D. Majewski, P. Malguzzi, V. Masson, J. Mcgregor, E. Minguzzi, T. Paccagnella and C. Wilson, 2000: The second COMPARE exercise: a model intercomparison using a case of a typical mesoscale orographic flow, the PYREX IOP3. Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 126, 991-1030.
- Bougeault, P., P. Binder, A. Buzzi, R. Dirks, J. Kuettner, R. Houze, R.B. Smith, R. Steinacker, H. Volkert, 2001: The MAP Special Observing Period. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., 82, 433-462.
- Miglietta, M.M., and A. Buzzi, 2001: A numerical study of moist stratified flows over isolated topography. Tellus, 53A, 481-499.
- Nagata, M., L. Leslie, H. Kamahori, R. Nomura, H. Mino, Y. Kurihara, E. Rogers, R. L. Elsberry, B. K. Basu, A. Buzzi, J. Calvo, M. Desgagne, M. D'Isidoro, S.-Y. Hong, J. Katzfey, D. Majewski, P. Malguzzi, J. McGregor, A. Murata, J. Nachamkin, M. Roch, C. Wilson, 2001: A Mesoscale Model Intercomparison: A Case of Explosive Development of a Tropical Cyclone (COMPARE III). J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan, 79, 999-1033.
- Davolio, S., A. Buzzi, 2002: Mechanisms of Antarctic katabatic currents near Terra Nova Bay. Tellus, 54 A, 187-204.
- Buzzi, A., M. D'Isidoro, S. Davolio, 2003: A case study of an orographic cyclone south of the Alps during the MAP SOP. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 129, 1795-1818.
- Lagouvardos, K., V. Kotroni, A. Koussis, C. Feidas, A. Buzzi, P. Malguzzi, 2003: The meteorological model BOLAM at the National Observatory of Athens: Assessment of two-year operational use. J. Appl. Meteor., 42, 1667-1678.
- Richard., E., S. Cosma, R. Benoit, P. Binder, A. Buzzi and P. Kaufmann, 2003: Intercomparison of mesoscale meteorological models for precipitation forecasting. Hydrology Earth System Sciences (HESS), 7(6), 799-811.
- Corazza, M., A. Buzzi, D. Sacchetti, E. Trovatore, C. F. Ratto, 2003: Simulating extreme precipitation with a mesoscale forecast model. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 83, 131-143.
- Miglietta, M.M., and A. Buzzi, 2004: A numerical study of moist stratified flow regimes over isolated topography. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 130, 1749-1770.
- Davolio, S., and A. Buzzi, 2004: A nudging scheme for the assimilation of precipitation data into a mesoscale model. Wea. Forecasting, 19, 855-871.
- Zampieri, M., P. Malguzzi and A. Buzzi, 2005: Sensitivity of quantitative precipitation forecasts to boundary layer parameterization: a flash flood case study in theWestern Mediterranean. Natural Hazard Earth System Sci., 5, 603-612.